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NavigationModule Object

Outlook Developer Reference

Represents a navigation module in the Navigation Pane of an explorer.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007


The NavigationModule object provides access to the various navigation modules displayed in the Navigation Pane of an explorer in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. The following objects are derived from the NavigationModule object:

Use the GetNavigationModule method or the Item method of the NavigationModules collection for the parent NavigationPane object to retrieve a NavigationModule object, then use the NavigationModuleType property of the NavigationModule object to retrieve the module type. Depending on the value of the NavigationModuleType property, you can then cast the NavigationModule object reference as one of the objects listed above to access the NavigationGroups property for that object, such as a CalendarModule object.

The Shortcuts and Folder List navigation modules do not have a corresponding object, such as MailModule, because they do not support programmatic access to navigation groups or navigation folders. You can use the NavigationModule object to access the properties of the Shortcuts and Folder List modules.

You can use the Visible property to determine if the navigation module is visible and the Position property to return or set the display position of the navigation module within the Navigation Pane. You can also use the Name property to return the display name of the navigation module within the Navigation Pane.

See Also