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BusinessCardView Object

Outlook Developer Reference

Represents a view that displays data as a series of Electronic Business Card (EBC) images.

Version Information
 Version Added:  Outlook 2007


The BusinessCardView object, derived from the View object, allows you to create customizable views that allow you to better sort, group and ultimately view contact items in Outlook as a series of Electronic Business Cards, each of which displays the contact information for an Outlook contact item based on the EBC design associated with the contact item.

Use the Add method of the Views collection to add a new BusinessCardView to a Folder object.

Use the Filter property to determine which Outlook contact items to display in the view, the CardSize property to specify the size of each Electronic Business Card in the view, and the HeadingsFont to retrieve the ViewFont object for the view. Use the LockUserChanges property to allow or prevent changes to the user interface for the view.


The following Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) example creates, saves, and applies a new BusinessCardView object.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub CreateBusinessCardView()
Dim objName As NameSpace
Dim objViews As Views
Dim objView As BusinessCardView

' Get the Views collection of the Inbox default folder.
Set objName = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objViews = objName.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts).Views

' Create the new view.
Set objView = objViews.Add( _
  "Card View", _
  olBusinessCardView, _
' Save and apply the new view.

End Sub

See Also