ISFLOCKED( ) Function

Returns the table lock status.

ISFLOCKED([nWorkArea | cTableAlias])


  • nWorkArea
    Specifies the work area number of the table for which the lock status is returned. If you omit cTableAlias and nWorkArea, the lock status is returned for the table open in the current work area.
  • cTableAlias
    Specifies the alias of the table for which the lock status is returned. An "Alias not found" error message is generated if you specify an alias of a table that isn't open.

Return Value



ISFLOCKED( ) returns a logical true (.T.) if the table is locked; otherwise a logical false (.F.) is returned. ISFLOCKED( ) is similar to SYS(2011), but returns a logical value which does not require localization for international applications.


ISFLOCKED() only returns .T. at the workstation that applied the file lock.

See Also


FLOCK( ) Function
ISRLOCKED( ) Function
LOCK( ) Function
RLOCK( ) Function
SYS(2011) - Current Lock Status

Other Resources

Language Reference (Visual FoxPro)