Figure 8

Figure 8 Setting Up the Images

  '— The title of the generic page
sTitle = "Authors Display"
'— The page to post to (this ASP)
sFormAction = "View_Authors.asp"

'— The javascript function to execute on row click
sOnRowClick_Primary = "Edit();"
'— The image to use on the row click
sRowImageSource_Primary = "Edit.gif"

'— The javascript function to execute on row click
sOnRowClick_Secondary= "Browse();"
'— The image to use on the row click
sRowImageSource_Secondary = "Browse.gif"

Figure 9 The Client-side Onclick Event Handles

  <script LANGUAGE="javascript">
//— ***BEGIN GenericDisplayTool*** 
//— Variable for the Row's Key Value 
var vRowKeyValue;
//— ***END GenericDisplayTool***
function Edit() 
alert('Put code here to go edit this record, using the primary key = ' + 

function Browse() 
alert('Put code here to go view this record, using the primary key = ' + 

//— ***BEGIN GenericDisplayTool*** 
//— Set the Row's Key Value 
function SetRowKeyValue(vKeyValue) 
vRowKeyValue = vKeyValue; 
//— ***END GenericDisplayTool*** 

Figure 10 Opening a Connection

'— Set the parameters and get a recordset
sProcName = "prAPP_Get_Authors"
Set oCn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
With oCn
    .Provider = gsProvider
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .ConnectionTimeout = 15
    .IsolationLevel = adXactReadUncommitted
    .Open gsConnectionString, sUserID, sPassword
End With
Set oCmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
With oCmd
    Set .ActiveConnection = oCn
    .CommandTimeout = 30
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    .CommandText = sProcName
End With
Set oRs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
With oRs
    Set .Source = oCmd
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .CursorType = adOpenStatic
    .LockType = adLockReadOnly
    .ActiveConnection = Nothing
    CloseObject oCn
End With

Figure 11 Sorting and Paging the Data

  If Not oRs.EOF Then
    '— Manage the Sorting aspects
    '— If it is a 2D array ...
    If IsArray(vSortOrder, 2) Then
        Set oRs = SortRecordset(oRs, vSortOrder)
    End If
    '— Manage the Paging aspects
    EstablishPaging oRs, lPageSize, lPageNumber
    '— Get the data, but only get the specified number of records
    vData = oRs.GetRows(lPageSize)
    vRs(geBL_RSArray_Data) = vData
End If

Figure 12 Setting the Field-level Metadata

'— Get the Field Level metadata
vFieldMetaData = GetFieldMetaData(oRs)
'— Set captions
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_SSN)(geBL_FieldProperty_Caption) = "SSN"
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_FirstName)(geBL_FieldProperty_Caption) _
    = "First Name"
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_LastName)(geBL_FieldProperty_Caption) _
    = "Last Name"
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_Address)(geBL_FieldProperty_Caption) _
    = "Address"
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_City)(geBL_FieldProperty_Caption) = "City"
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_State)(geBL_FieldProperty_Caption) = "State"
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_Zip)(geBL_FieldProperty_Caption) = "Zip Code"
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_Contract)(geBL_FieldProperty_Caption) _
    = "Contract"
'— Set visibility
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_SSN)(geBL_FieldProperty_Visible) = True
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_FirstName)(geBL_FieldProperty_Visible) = True
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_LastName)(geBL_FieldProperty_Visible) = True
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_Address)(geBL_FieldProperty_Visible) = False
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_City)(geBL_FieldProperty_Visible) = True
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_State)(geBL_FieldProperty_Visible) = True
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_Zip)(geBL_FieldProperty_Visible) = False
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_Contract)(geBL_FieldProperty_Visible) = False
'— Set primary key
vFieldMetaData(geBL_Author_SSN)(geBL_FieldProperty_PrimaryKey) = True
vRs(geBL_RSArray_FieldMetaData) = vFieldMetaData

Figure 13 Setting the Recordset-level Metadata

'— Get the Recordset Level metadata
With oRs
    ReDim vRecordsetMetaData(0 To 2)
    vRecordsetMetaData(geBL_RecordsetProperty_RecordCount) _
        = oRs.RecordCount
    vRecordsetMetaData(geBL_RecordsetProperty_PageCount) _
        = PageCount(oRs.RecordCount, lPageSize)
    vRecordsetMetaData(geBL_RecordsetProperty_PageNumber) = lPageNumber
End With
vRs(geBL_RSArray_RecordsetMetaData) = vRecordsetMetaData

GetRecords = vRs

Figure 15 Getting the Data

'— Data Retrieval section 
vData = vRSArray(geBL_RSArray_Data) 
vFieldMetaData = vRSArray(geBL_RSArray_FieldMetaData) 
vRSMetaData = vRSArray(geBL_RSArray_RecordsetMetaData) 

on error resume next 
bDataExists = UBound(vData, 2) 
bDataExists = CBool(err = 0) 
if Not bDataExists then 
lRecordCount = 0 
lPageCount = 0 
lRecordCount = vRSMetaData(geBL_RecordsetProperty_RecordCount) 
lPageCount = vRSMetaData(geBL_RecordsetProperty_PageCount) 
lCurrentPage = vRSMetaData(geBL_RecordsetProperty_PageNumber) 
end if 

on error goto 0 

if Len(lLongestFieldLength) = 0 then 
'— Make the default length 30 characters. 
lLongestFieldLength = 30 
end if