PGET_DMA_ADAPTER_INFO callback function (wdm.h)

The GetDmaAdapterInfo routine retrieves information about the hardware capabilities of a system DMA channel.



NTSTATUS PgetDmaAdapterInfo(
  [in]      PDMA_ADAPTER DmaAdapter,
  [in, out] PDMA_ADAPTER_INFO AdapterInfo


[in] DmaAdapter

A pointer to a DMA_ADAPTER structure. This structure is the adapter object that represents the driver's system DMA channel. The caller obtained this pointer from a previous call to the IoGetDmaAdapter routine.

[in, out] AdapterInfo

A pointer to a caller-allocated DMA_ADAPTER_INFO structure. The routine writes information about the system DMA controller into this structure. The caller must set the Version member of this structure to DMA_ADAPTER_INFO_VERSION1 before calling GetDmaAdapterInfo.

Return value

GetDmaAdapterInfo returns STATUS_SUCCESS if the call is successful. Possible error return values include the following status code.

Return code Description
The routine does not support the specified version of the DMA_ADAPTER_INFO_XXX structure.


GetDmaAdapterInfo is not a system routine that can be called directly by name. This routine can be called only by pointer from the address returned in a DMA_OPERATIONS structure. Drivers obtain the address of this routine by calling IoGetDmaAdapter with the Version member of the DeviceDescription parameter set to DEVICE_DESCRIPTION_VERSION3. If IoGetDmaAdapter returns NULL, the routine is not available on your platform.

GetDmaAdapterInfo retrieves the following information:

  • The maximum number of elements in a scatter/gather list that the DMA controller can process in a single scatter/gather DMA operation.
  • The width, in bits, of a DMA address.
For information about the DMA adapter information that is provided by version 1 of the DMA_ADAPTER_INFO_XXX structure, see DMA_ADAPTER_INFO_V1.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available starting with Windows 8.
Target Platform Desktop
Header wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h)

See also



