WSManConnectShell function (wsman.h)

Connects to an existing server session.


void WSManConnectShell(
  [in, out]      WSMAN_SESSION_HANDLE session,
                 DWORD                flags,
  [in]           PCWSTR               resourceUri,
  [in]           PCWSTR               shellID,
  [in, optional] WSMAN_OPTION_SET     *options,
  [in, optional] WSMAN_DATA           *connectXml,
  [in]           WSMAN_SHELL_ASYNC    *async,
  [out]          WSMAN_SHELL_HANDLE   *shell


[in, out] session

Specifies the session handle returned by a WSManCreateSession function. This parameter cannot be NULL.


Reserved for future use. Must be zero.

[in] resourceUri

Defines the shell type to which the connection will be made. The shell type is defined by a unique URI, therefore the shell object returned by the call is dependent on the URI that is specified by this parameter. The resourceUri parameter cannot be NULL and it is a null-terminated string.

[in] shellID

Specifies the shell identifier that is associated with the server shell session to which the client intends to connect.

[in, optional] options

A pointer to a WSMAN_OPTION_SET structure that specifies a set of options for the shell. This parameter is optional.

[in, optional] connectXml

A pointer to a WSMAN_DATA structure that defines an open context for the connect shell operation. The content should be a valid XML string. This parameter can be NULL.

[in] async

Defines an asynchronous structure that contains an optional user context and a mandatory callback function. See the WSMAN_SHELL_ASYNC structure for more information. This parameter cannot be NULL.

[out] shell

Specifies a shell handle that uniquely identifies the shell object that was returned by resourceURI. The resource handle tracks the client endpoint for the shell and is used by other WinRM methods to interact with the shell object. The shell object should be deleted by calling the WSManCloseShell method. This parameter cannot be NULL.

Return value



Connects to an existing server shell session identified by the ShellId parameter. This builds the necessary client side context, represented by the return parameter shell, that can be used to carry out subsequent operations such as running commands and sending and receiving output on the server shell session. This WSManConnectShell function does not automatically construct the client side contexts for any commands that are currently associated with the server shell session.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Windows
Header wsman.h
Library WsmSvc.lib
DLL WsmSvc.dll
Redistributable WinRM on Windows Server 2012.