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Validation.Unvalidated Method

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

Returns one field of the [System.Web.HttpRequest] object or the entire [System.Web.HttpRequest] object without checking the content for HTML markup and client script.

This member is overloaded. For complete information about this member, including syntax, usage, and examples, click a name in the overload list.

Overload List

  Name Description
Public methodStatic member Unvalidated(HttpRequest) Returns a version of form values, cookies, and query-string variables without checking them first for HTML markup and client script.
Public methodStatic member Unvalidated(HttpRequestBase) Returns all values from the Request object (including form fields, cookies, and the query string) without checking them first for HTML markup and client script.
Public methodStatic member Unvalidated(HttpRequest, String) Returns a value from the specified form field, cookie, or query-string variable without checking it first for HTML markup and client script.
Public methodStatic member Unvalidated(HttpRequestBase, String) Returns the specified value from the Request object without checking it first for HTML markup and client script.



Security noteSecurity Note

If you exclude a field from request validation, you must check it yourself to be sure it does not include malicious markup or code.

See Also


Validation Class

System.Web.Helpers Namespace