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REST API reference for SharePoint 2013

Find information about the representational state transfer (REST) interface for SharePoint 2013 development.

Applies to: apps for SharePoint | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

In this article
Commonly used REST resources
SharePoint 2013 REST overviews
Additional resources

SharePoint solutions and apps that you develop for on-premises environments can use the REST interface to interact with SharePoint data. REST-based apps don't need to reference any assemblies or libraries, and you can create them by using any technology that supports HTTP web requests.

Apps for SharePoint that are deployed in on-premises environments follow the same patterns as apps that are deployed in Office 365 environments. SharePoint solutions are similar to SharePoint-hosted apps because they run inside the firewall, so REST calls are authenticated using the current user's credentials and they can get the form digest value from the __REQUESTDIGEST page control (for example: $("#__REQUESTDIGEST").val()).


Other client-side APIs have advantages that REST doesn't. For example, REST calls are always sent asynchronously and they can't be bundled. For help deciding whether the REST interface is your best option, see Choose the right API set in SharePoint 2013.

Commonly used REST resources


Some of the following links open to the documentation for the corresponding JavaScript object, which displays the REST endpoint at the bottom of the page.

REST core resources



SP.ChangeCollection object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of SP.Change objects.

SP.EventReceiverDefinitionCollection object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of EventReceiverDefinition objects that are used to enumerate a list of registered event receivers for Microsoft SharePoint Foundation objects.

SP.EventReceiverDefinition object (sp.js)

SP.FeatureCollection object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of SP.Feature objects.

SP.Feature object (sp.js)

Represents an activated feature.

SP.RecycleBinItemCollection object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of SP.RecycleBinItem objects.

SP.RecycleBinItem object (sp.js)

Represents a Recycle Bin item in the Recycle Bin of a site or a site collection.

SP.RegionalSettings object (sp.js)

Represents regional settings that are used on the server that is running Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

SP.Site object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of sites in a Web application, including a top-level Web site and all its subsites.

SP.TimeZoneCollection object (sp.js)

SP.TimeZone object (sp.js)


Represents a SharePoint site.

SP.WebTemplateCollection object (sp.js)

Specifies a collection of site templates.

SP.WebTemplate object (sp.js)

Specifies a site definition or a site template that is used to instantiate a site.

REST list-related resources




Represents a collection of List resources.


Represents a list on a SharePoint Web site.


Represents a collection of ListItem resources.


Represents an item or row in a list.

SP.ContentTypeCollection object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of Web site or list content types.

SP.ContentType object (sp.js)

Represents a website, or list, content type.


Represents a collection of Field resources.


Represents a field in a list on a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web site.

SP.FieldLinkCollection object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of SP.FieldLink objects that are column or field references in a content type.

SP.FieldLink object (sp.js)

Specifies a reference to a field or field definition for a content type.

SP.FormCollection object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of SP.Form objects for a list.

SP.Form object (sp.js)

A form provides a display and editing interface for a single list item.

SP.InformationRightsManagementSettings object (sp.js)

SP.ListTemplateCollection object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of SP.ListTemplate objects.

SP.ListTemplate object (sp.js)

Specifies a list template.

SP.RelatedFieldCollection object (sp.js)

Represents a collection of SP.RelatedField objects storing properties of relationship lookup fields.

SP.RelatedField object (sp.js)

Specifies a relationship to a lookup field.


Represents a collection of View resources.


Specifies a list view.


Represents a collection of fields in a list view.

REST resources for files and folders




Represents a collection of File resources.


Represents a file in a SharePoint Web site that can be a Web Part Page, an item in a document library, or a file in a folder.


Represents a collection of FileVersion resources.


Represents a version of an File resource.


Represents a collection of Folder resources.


Represents a folder on a SharePoint Web site.

REST resources for users and groups




Represents a collection of Group resources.


Represents a group on a Microsoft SharePoint Foundation website.


Represents a collection of RoleAssignment resources that defines all the role assignments for a securable object.


Defines the securable object role assignments for a user or group on the Web site, list, or list item.


Represents the collection of RoleDefinition resources which define the role definitions that are available for use within the site.


Defines a single role definition, including a name, description, and set of rights.


Defines the role definitions that are bound to a role assignment object.


Represents a collection of User resources.


Represents a user in Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.


Represents a collection of UserCustomAction resources.


Represents a custom action associated with a SharePoint list, Web site, or subsite.

SharePoint 2013 REST overviews



Get started with the SharePoint 2013 REST service

Get the basics of using the SharePoint 2013 REST service to access and update SharePoint data using the REST and OData web protocol standards.

How to: Complete basic operations using SharePoint 2013 REST endpoints

Learn how to perform basic CRUD operations with the SharePoint 2013 REST interface.

SharePoint Search REST API overview

Add search functionality to client and mobile applications using the Search REST service in SharePoint Server 2013 and any technology that supports REST web requests.

Social feed REST API reference for SharePoint 2013

Learn about SharePoint 2013 REST endpoints for feed-related tasks.

Following people and content REST API reference for SharePoint 2013

Learn about SharePoint 2013 REST endpoints for following people and content.

Additional resources