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Microsoft.Build Namespaces

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Include Portable Class Library Members

The Microsoft.Build namespaces contain types that provide programmatic access to, and control of, the MSBuild engine.


Namespace Description
Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine The Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine namespace represents the MSBuild engine. For information, see MSBuild.
Microsoft.Build.Construction Contains types that the MSBuild object model uses to construct project roots with unevaluated values. Each project root corresponds to a project or targets file. For information, see MSBuild.
Microsoft.Build.Conversion Contains types that Visual Studio uses to convert project files from an older version of Visual Studio.
Microsoft.Build.Debugging Contains type for managing the debugger.
Microsoft.Build.Evaluation Contains types that the MSBuild object model uses to evaluate projects. Each project is associated with one or more project roots. For information, see MSBuild.
Microsoft.Build.Exceptions Contains exception types that may be thrown during the build process.
Microsoft.Build.Execution Contains types that the MSBuild object model uses to build projects. For information, see MSBuild.
Microsoft.Build.Framework The Microsoft.Build.Framework namespace contains the types that define how tasks and loggers interact with the MSBuild engine. For information, see MSBuild.
Microsoft.Build.Framework.XamlTypes Classes used to represent XAML types parsed from files, rules, and other sources.
Microsoft.Build.Logging Contains types used for logging the progress of a build. For information, see MSBuild.
Microsoft.Build.Tasks The Microsoft.Build.Tasks namespace contains the implementation of all tasks shipping with MSBuild. For information, see MSBuild.
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper The Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.Bootstrapper namespace contains classes used internally by MSBuild.
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities The Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Deployment.ManifestUtilities namespace contains classes that MSBuild uses.
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Hosting The Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Hosting namespace contains classes used internally by MSBuild.
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Windows The Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Windows namespace contains the implementation of all tasks shipping with MSBuild. The types in this namespace support the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) infrastructure and are not intended to be used directly from your code.
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Xaml Provides classes related to XAML build tasks.
Microsoft.Build.Utilities The Microsoft.Build.Utilities namespace provides helper classes that you can use to create your own MSBuild loggers and tasks. For information, see MSBuild.