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IUserClaimStore<TUser, TKey> Interface


Defines the methods to implement to store the specific claims of the user.

Namespace:   Microsoft.AspNet.Identity
Assembly:  Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core (in Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Core.dll)


public interface IUserClaimStore<TUser, in TKey> : IUserStore<TUser, TKey>, 
where TUser : class, IUser<TKey>
generic<typename TUser, typename TKey>
where TUser : ref class, IUser<TKey>
public interface class IUserClaimStore : IUserStore<TUser, TKey>, 
type IUserClaimStore<'TUser, 'TKey when 'TUser : not struct and IUser<'TKey>> = 
        interface IUserStore<'TUser, 'TKey>
        interface IDisposable
Public Interface IUserClaimStore(Of TUser As { Class, IUser(Of TKey) }, In TKey)
    Inherits IUserStore(Of TUser, TKey), IDisposable

Type Parameters

  • TUser
    The type of the user.
  • in TKey
    The type of the key.


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod AddClaimAsync(TUser, Claim)

Adds a new user claim.

System_CAPS_pubmethod CreateAsync(TUser)

Asynchronously inserts a new user.(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser, TKey>.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod DeleteAsync(TUser)

Asynchronously deletes a user.(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser, TKey>.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Dispose()

(Inherited from IDisposable.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod FindByIdAsync(TKey)

Asynchronously finds a user using the specified identifier.(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser, TKey>.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod FindByNameAsync(String)

Asynchronously finds a user by name.(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser, TKey>.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetClaimsAsync(TUser)

Returns the claims for the user with the issuer set.

System_CAPS_pubmethod RemoveClaimAsync(TUser, Claim)

Removes a user claim.

System_CAPS_pubmethod UpdateAsync(TUser)

Asynchronously updates a user.(Inherited from IUserStore<TUser, TKey>.)

See Also

Microsoft.AspNet.Identity Namespace
ASP.NET Identity

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