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Troubleshoot finding places on the map

I can't find a place on the map.

If you are looking for an attraction or other place located in a city, type the place name, a comma, the city name, a comma, and then the state or province name.

Avoid using abbreviations. For example, type Fort instead of Ft.

If the place name looks like an address, such as 12th Avenue Gallery, and you used the Find box on the Navigation toolbar, MapPoint may look for an address and not find the place you're looking for. Click the Place / Data tab on the Find dialog box, and try again.

It takes MapPoint a long time to find an address in the United States.

Include the state name in your address search to reduce the search time.

I can't find an address.

Make sure that you are searching in the appropriate country/region:

On the Address tab, select the correct country/region in the Country list.

In the Find box on the Navigation toolbar, be sure to enter the country/region name along with the other address information.

Address coverage in MapPoint is available for all of the United States and Canada.

Type as much of the address as possible. Adding the ZIP Code or postal code is especially helpful.

Do not include apartment, suite, post office (P.O.) box numbers, or rural route (R.R.) addresses in the street address.

Do not include fractions. For example, if the address is 654 1/2 Carlson Street, type 654 Carlson Street.

If you are not sure of the correct spelling of a street or city name, type the closest approximation you can to view a list of possible choices, and then click the best match in the list.

If a street name includes an ampersand (&), replace the ampersand with the word "and." (Ampersands are used to denote intersections.)

If you cannot find an address that includes an abbreviation, try spelling it out. For example, try Saint James if "St. James" is not recognized.

I found a place by using latitude and longitude coordinates, but it isn't where I expected it to be.

MapPoint maps are based on the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 84) datum. Some maps and GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) systems are based on other datums. If you obtained a latitude and longitude from a map or GPS system based on another datum, that location may appear in a different place on MapPoint maps.

You can express latitude and longitude coordinates in decimal or degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS) format. Make sure you're not mixing formats.

If you're entering DMS coordinates, make sure that you're using one of the following formats, where D indicates direction (north, south, east, or west):


dd mm ssD


If you are entering coordinates in decimal format, make sure to use the minus sign ("-") to indicate a location that is south of the equator or west of the prime meridian.

If you have changed the default decimal symbol defined for your computer, make sure to use the same decimal symbol when entering coordinates in decimal format or using a decimal symbol for DMS coordinates.

I searched for attractions or businesses near a place, but they don't appear in the Find Nearby Places list.

If you are looking for a certain category of place, check to make sure that you have not chosen to hide that category from view.


I want to find places near just a small portion of my route.

On the Route menu, click Directions. Find the instruction that you want to search around, and double-click it. That portion of the route is then selected on the map. In the Around box on the Find Nearby Places pane, select Selected driving instruction. Make any other refinements to your search, and then click Search.

I can't find my Pushpin or data point on the map.

Be sure to enter the name exactly as it appears in the mapped data.

If you can't remember the exact name of your data point, you can review the names of each data point in a mapped data set. On the View menu, click Legend and Overview. In the legend, select the name of the data set to which your data point belongs. On the Data menu, click Data Set Properties. Click the Matching tab to see a list of the names of all data points in that data set.

If the name of your data point is the same as or similar to other place names on the map, such as a state or county name, the list of possible matches for your search may be quite long. Be sure to scroll through the list for the name of your data point.

I don't want other users to see the places I have found on a map.

In the Options dialog box, click Clear to erase all of the found addresses, cities, ZIP/postal codes and places/data for all countries and regions. To clear found locations each time you exit the program, select Always clear history when exiting program in the Options dialog box.