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SmartTag Object

Multiple objects
Multiple objects

Represents a string in a document or range that contains recognized type information. The SmartTag object is a member of the SmartTags collection. The SmartTags collection contains all the smart tags in a document or range of text within a document. Microsoft Word uses a recognizer file to label smart tags, and it uses an action file to execute actions related to the smart tags, such as linking to Web sites.

Using the SmartTag object

Use the Item method — or SmartTags(index), where index represents the number of the smart tag — to return a single SmartTag object. This example adds custom properties to the first smart tag in the active document.

Sub NewSTProp()
    ActiveDocument.SmartTags(Index:=1).Properties _
        .Add Name:="President", Value:=True
End Sub

Properties | Application Property | Creator Property | DownloadURL Property | Name Property | Parent Property | Properties Property | Range Property | SmartTagActions Property | XML Property | XMLNode Property

Methods | Delete Method | Select Method

Parent Objects | Document | Range | Selection

Child Objects | CustomProperties | Range | SmartTagActions | XMLNode