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getBotAttribute Method

Returns a Variant that represents the specified strAttributeName attribute for a specified object, which represents a Microsoft FrontPage component inserted into a Web page.


*expression   * An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

strAttributeName    Required String. The string that represents the name of the attribute.


This example inserts the FrontPage Search component, and then uses the getBotAttribute method to return the inserted object.

Private Sub AccessSearchComponent()
    Dim objComponent As FPHTMLFrontPageBotElement
    Dim objBody As FPHTMLBody
    Dim strHTML As String
    Dim objWindow As PageWindow
    strHTML = "<!--webbot bot=""Search"" s-index=""All""" & _
        " s-fields s-text=""Search for:""" & _
        " i-size=""20"" s-submit=""Start Search""" & _
        " s-clear=""Reset"" s-timestampformat=""%m/%d/%y""" & _
        " tag=""BODY"" -->"
    Set objBody = ActivePageWindow.Document.body
    Set objWindow = ActivePageWindow
    objBody.insertAdjacentHTML "BeforeEnd", strHTML
    Set objComponent = objWindow.Document.all.tags("webbot").Item(0)
    MsgBox objComponent.getBotAttribute("s-submit")
    objComponent.setBotAttribute "s-submit", "new item"
    MsgBox objComponent.getBotAttribute("s-submit")
    objComponent.removeBotAttribute "s-submit"
    MsgBox objComponent.getBotAttribute("s-submit")
End Sub

Applies to | FPHTMLFormElement Object | FPHTMLFrontPageBotElement Object | FPHTMLImg Object | FPHTMLInputButtonElement Object | FPHTMLInputFileElement Object | FPHTMLInputHiddenElement Object | FPHTMLInputImage Object | FPHTMLInputTextElement Object | FPHTMLSelectElement Object | FPHTMLTextAreaElement Object | IHTMLFrontPageBotElement Object | IHTMLFrontPageBotElement Object | IHTMLFrontPageBotElement2 Object