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innerText Property

Sets or returns a String that represents the text between the start and end tags of a specified object without any associated HTML.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


See also the innerHTML, outerText, and outerHTML properties.


The following example changes the text inside the first <H1> tag in the active document.

Dim objTag As IHTMLElement
Set objTag = ActiveDocument.all.tags("h1").Item(0)
objTag.innerText = "Microsoft Home Page"

The following example retrieves the active element in the active document, creates a String from the text contained in the active element, less any spaces, and then places a bookmark anchor, with a name attribute equal to the new String, around the text the active element contains.

Dim objElement As IHTMLElement
Dim strElement As String
Set objElement = ActiveDocument.activeElement
strElement = Trim(Replace(objElement.innerText, " ", ""))

With objElement
   .innerHTML = "<A name=" & strElement & ">" & .innerHTML & "</A>"
End With

Applies to | FPHTMLAnchorElement Object | FPHTMLAreaElement Object | FPHTMLBaseElement Object | FPHTMLBaseFontElement Object | FPHTMLBGsound Object | FPHTMLBlockElement Object | FPHTMLBody Object | FPHTMLBRElement Object | FPHTMLButtonElement Object | FPHTMLCommentElement Object | FPHTMLDDElement Object | FPHTMLDivElement Object | FPHTMLDivPosition Object | FPHTMLDListElement Object | FPHTMLDTElement Object | FPHTMLEmbed Object | FPHTMLFieldSetElement Object | FPHTMLFontElement Object | FPHTMLFormElement Object | FPHTMLFrameBase Object | FPHTMLFrameElement Object | FPHTMLFrameSetSite Object | FPHTMLFrontPageBotElement Object | FPHTMLHeaderElement Object | FPHTMLHRElement Object | FPHTMLIFrame Object | FPHTMLImg Object | FPHTMLInputButtonElement Object | FPHTMLInputFileElement Object | FPHTMLInputHiddenElement Object | FPHTMLInputImage Object | FPHTMLInputTextElement Object | FPHTMLIsIndexElement Object | FPHTMLLabelElement Object | FPHTMLLegendElement Object | FPHTMLLIElement Object | FPHTMLLinkElement Object | FPHTMLListElement Object | FPHTMLMapElement Object | FPHTMLMarqueeElement Object | FPHTMLMetaElement Object | FPHTMLNextIdElement Object | FPHTMLNoShowElement Object | FPHTMLObjectElement Object | FPHTMLOListElement Object | FPHTMLOptionElement Object | FPHTMLParaElement Object | FPHTMLPhraseElement Object | FPHTMLScriptElement Object | FPHTMLSelectElement Object | FPHTMLSpanElement Object | FPHTMLSpanFlow Object | FPHTMLStyleElement Object | FPHTMLTable Object | FPHTMLTableCaption Object | FPHTMLTableCell Object | FPHTMLTableCol Object | FPHTMLTableRow Object | FPHTMLTableSection Object | FPHTMLTemplateRegionElement Object | FPHTMLTextAreaElement Object | FPHTMLTextElement Object | FPHTMLTitleElement Object | FPHTMLUListElement Object | FPHTMLUnknownElement Object | FPHTMLWebPartElement Object | FPHTMLWebPartZoneElement Object | FPHTMLXSLElement Object | FPHTMLXSLWebPartElement Object | IHTMLElement Object