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hostname Property

Returns a String that represents the location or URL of a hyperlink. Corresponds to the value of the href property without the protocol.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


Although the Object Browser says that the hosname property is read/write, if you try to set the hostname property, you will receive an error. Use the href property to specify the location or URL of a hyperlink.


The following example sets the href attribute of the first hyperlink in the active document if the hostname property isn't equal to a specified URL.

Dim objLink As FPHTMLAnchorElement

Set objLink = ActiveDocument.Links.Item(0)
If objLink.hostname <> "" Then
    objLink.href = ""
End If

Applies to | FPHTMLAnchorElement Object | FPHTMLAreaElement Object | FPHTMLLocation Object | IHTMLAnchorElement Object | IHTMLAreaElement Object | IHTMLLocation Object