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frame Property

Sets or returns a String that represents the way the border frame around a specified table is displayed. The frame property corresponds to the frame attribute of a TABLE element.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The String value for the frame property can be one of the following:

void All outside table borders are removed. Default value.
above Border on the top side of the border frame is displayed.
below Border on the bottom side of the table frame is displayed.
border Borders on all sides of the table frame are displayed.
box Borders on all sides of the table frame are displayed.
hsides Borders on the top and bottom sides of the table frame are displayed.
lhs Border on the left side of the table frame is displayed.
rhs Border on the right side of the table frame is displayed.
vsides Borders on the left and right sides of the table frame are displayed.


The following example sets the first table in the active document to display borders on only the left side of each cell in the table. This example assumes that there is at least one table in the active document.

ActiveDocument.all.tags("table").Item(0).frame = "lhs"

Applies to | FPHTMLTable Object | IHTMLTable Object