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fileCreatedDate Property

Retrieves a String that represents the date a file was created.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example inserts a new paragraph into the active document and then inserts the dates the active document was created and last modified.

Sub CheckDate()
    Dim objPara As FPHTMLParaElement
    With ActiveDocument
        .body.insertAdjacentHTML where:="beforeend", _
            HTML:="<p id=""newpara1""></p>"
        Set objPara = .body.all.tags("p").Item("newpara1")
        objPara.innerHTML = "Created: " & .fileCreatedDate & _
            "<BR>Changed: " & .fileModifiedDate
    End With
End Sub

Applies to | FPHTMLDocument Object | FPHTMLImg Object | IHTMLDocument2 Object | IHTMLImgElement Object