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areas Property

Returns an IHTMLAreasCollection object that represents the collection of area settings in an FPHTMLMapElement object or an IHTMLMapElement object.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns an FPHTMLMapElement object or an IHTMLMapElement object.


Use the Add method to add or remove FPHTMLAreaElement objects to or from the IHTMLAreasCollection object. Use the item method or id property to reference an IHTMLAreaElement object.


The following example returns a String array containing the values of the href property, which is equivalent to a hyperlink, for all the FPHTMLAreaElement objects in the specified FPHTMLMapElement object.

Function GetAreaHREF(objMap As FPHTMLMapElement) As String()
    Dim objArea As FPHTMLAreaElement
    Dim strAreas() As String
    Dim intCount As Integer

    ReDim strAreas(objMap.areas.Length - 1)

    For intCount = 0 To objMap.areas.Length - 1
        Set objArea = objMap.areas.Item(intCount)
        strAreas(intCount) = objArea.href

    GetAreaHREF = strAreas
End Function

Use the following example to call the preceding function. This example assumes that there is at least one MAP element in the specified document.

Sub CallGetAreaHREF()
    Dim objMap As FPHTMLMapElement
    Dim strHREFs() As String
    Dim intCount

    Set objMap = ActiveDocument.all.tags("map").Item(0)
    strHREFs = GetAreaHREF(objMap)

    For intCount = 0 To UBound(strHREFs)
        MsgBox strHREFs(intCount)
End Sub

Applies to | FPHTMLMapElement Object | IHTMLMapElement Object