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target Property

Sets or returns a String that represents the window or frame in which to display the contents of a hyperlink. Corresponds to the target attribute.

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The target property can be one of the following String values

_blank Loads the linked document into a new blank window. This window is not named.
_parent Loads the linked document into the immediate parent of the document the link is in.
_search Loads the linked document into the browser's search pane. Available in Internet Explorer 5 or later.
_self Loads the linked document into the same window the link was clicked in (the active window).
_top Loads the linked document into the topmost window.
name Loads the linked document into the named frame or window.


The following example loads the page referenced in the first hyperlink in the active document in a new browser window.

Dim objLink As FPHTMLAnchorElement

Set objLink = ActiveDocument.all.tags("a").Item(0) = "_blank"

Applies to | FPHTMLAnchorElement Object | FPHTMLAreaElement Object | FPHTMLBaseElement Object | FPHTMLFormElement Object | IHTMLAnchorElement Object | IHTMLAreaElement Object | IHTMLBaseElement Object | IHTMLFormElement Object