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clientTop Property

Returns a Long that represents the distance in pixels between the offsetTop property and the true top of the client area.


*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The following example displays a message containing the height, width, top, and left measurements of the body of the active document.

Sub GetClientInfo()
    Dim objBody As FPHTMLBody
    Set objBody = ActiveDocument.body
    With objBody
        MsgBox "height" & vbTab & .clientHeight & vbCrLf & _
            "width" & vbTab & .clientWidth & vbCrLf & _
            "top" & vbTab & .clientTop & vbCrLf & _
            "left" & vbTab & .clientLeft & vbCrLf
    End With
End Sub

Applies to | FPHTMLBody Object | FPHTMLButtonElement Object | FPHTMLDivPosition Object | FPHTMLEmbed Object | FPHTMLFieldSetElement Object | FPHTMLFrameBase Object | FPHTMLFrameElement Object | FPHTMLFrameSetSite Object | FPHTMLIFrame Object | FPHTMLImg Object | FPHTMLInputButtonElement Object | FPHTMLInputFileElement Object | FPHTMLInputHiddenElement Object | FPHTMLInputImage Object | FPHTMLInputTextElement Object | FPHTMLLegendElement Object | FPHTMLMarqueeElement Object | FPHTMLObjectElement Object | FPHTMLSelectElement Object | FPHTMLSpanFlow Object | FPHTMLTable Object | FPHTMLTableCaption Object | FPHTMLTableCell Object | FPHTMLTableRow Object | FPHTMLTextAreaElement Object | IHTMLControlElement Object | IHTMLTableRowMetrics Object