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setAttribute Method

As it applies to the FPLayoutRegion object.

Sets the specified attribute to the given value.

expression.setAttribute(attr, val)

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns an FPLayoutRegion object.


FpLayoutCellAttributes can be one of the following FpLayoutCellAttributes constants.

border_bottom_color For a list of possible values, see the setBorderColor method.
border_bottom_size For a list of possible values, see the setBorderSize method.
border_foot_color For a list of possible values, see the setBorderColor method.
border_foot_size For a list of possible values, see the setBorderSize method.
border_head_color For a list of possible values, see the setBorderColor method.
border_head_size For a list of possible values, see the setBorderSize method.
border_left_color For a list of possible values, see the setBorderColor method.
border_left_size For a list of possible values, see the setBorderSize method.
border_right_color For a list of possible values, see the setBorderColor method.
border_right_size For a list of possible values, see the setBorderSize method.
border_top_color For a list of possible values, see the setBorderColor method.
border_top_size For a list of possible values, see the setBorderSize method.
cellFomattingID For a list of possible values, see the cellFormattingID property.
content_color For a list of possible values, see the setContentColor method.
content_html For a list of possible values, see the setContentHtml method.
content_padding For a list of possible values, see the setContentPadding method.
content_type For a list of possible values, see the setContentType method.
content_valign For a list of possible values, see the setContentVAlign method.
corner_bottom_left_border_color For a list of possible values, see the setCornerBorderColor method.
corner_bottom_left_color For a list of possible values, see the setCornerColor method.
corner_bottom_left_height For a list of possible values, see the setCornerHeight method.
corner_bottom_left_imageurl For a list of possible values, see the setCornerImageUrl method.
corner_bottom_left_type For a list of possible values, see the setCorner method.
corner_bottom_left_width For a list of possible values, see the setCornerWidth method.
corner_bottom_right_border_color For a list of possible values, see the setCornerBorderColor method.
corner_bottom_right_color For a list of possible values, see the setCornerColor method.
corner_bottom_right_height For a list of possible values, see the setCornerHeight method.
corner_bottom_right_imageurl For a list of possible values, see the setCornerImageUrl method.
corner_bottom_right_type For a list of possible values, see the setCorner method.
corner_bottom_right_width For a list of possible values, see the setCornerWidth method.
corner_top_left_border_color For a list of possible values, see the setCornerBorderColor method.
corner_top_left_color For a list of possible values, see the setCornerColor method.
corner_top_left_height For a list of possible values, see the setCornerHeight method.
corner_top_left_imageurl For a list of possible values, see the setCornerImageUrl method.
corner_top_left_type For a list of possible values, see the setCorner method.
corner_top_left_width For a list of possible values, see the setCornerWidth method.
corner_top_right_border_color For a list of possible values, see the setCornerBorderColor method.
corner_top_right_color For a list of possible values, see the setCornerColor method.
corner_top_right_height For a list of possible values, see the setCornerHeight method.
corner_top_right_imageurl For a list of possible values, see the setCornerImageUrl method.
corner_top_right_type For a list of possible values, see the setCorner method.
corner_top_right_width For a list of possible values, see the setCornerWidth method.
footer_color For a list of possible values, see the setFooterColor method.
footer_html For a list of possible values, see the setFooterHtml method.
footer_padding For a list of possible values, see the setFooterPadding method.
footer_size For a list of possible values, see the setFooterSize method.
footer_valign For a list of possible values, see the setFooterVAlign method.
header_color For a list of possible values, see the setHeaderColor method.
header_padding For a list of possible values, see the setHeaderPadding method.
header_size For a list of possible values, see the setHeaderSize method.
header_html For a list of possible values, see the setHeaderHtml method.
header_valign For a list of possible values, see the setHeaderVAlign method.
height For a list of possible values, see the setHeight method.
is_cell For a list of possible values, see the isCell property.
is_table For a list of possible values, see the isTable property.
margin_bottom For a list of possible values, see the setMargin method.
margin_left For a list of possible values, see the setMargin method.
margin_right For a list of possible values, see the setMargin method.
margin_top For a list of possible values, see the setMargin method.
parent For a list of possible values, see the parent property.
shadow_color For a list of possible values, see the setShadowColor method.
shadow_position For a list of possible values, see the setShadowPosition method.
shadow_size For a list of possible values, see the setShadowSize method.
shadow_smooth For a list of possible values, see the setShadowSmooth method.
width For a list of possible values, see the setWidth method.

val Required Variant. Specifies the attribute value.

As it applies to all other objects in the Applies To list.

Sets the attribute for an element.

expression.setAttribute(strAttributeName, lFlags)

*expression   * Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

strAttributeName    Required String. The name of the attribute.

AttributeValue    Required Variant. The value of the attribute.

lFlags    Optional Long. The value of the object.


Use the setAttribute method to programmatically set a read-only property that has a corresponding attribute or an attribute for which there is no property in the Microsoft FrontPage object model.


As it applies to FPHTMLStyle object.

The following example sets the style attribute's position property for the BODY element of the active document. The position property is read only, so the setAttribute method is the only way to set the position property programmatically.

If ActiveDocument.body.Style.Position = "" Then
    ActiveDocument.body.Style.setAttribute "position", "absolute"
End If

Applies to | FPHTMLAnchorElement Object | FPHTMLAreaElement Object | FPHTMLBaseElement Object | FPHTMLBaseFontElement Object | FPHTMLBGsound Object | FPHTMLBlockElement Object | FPHTMLBody Object | FPHTMLBRElement Object | FPHTMLButtonElement Object | FPHTMLCommentElement Object | FPHTMLCOpsProfile Object | FPHTMLDDElement Object | FPHTMLDivElement Object | FPHTMLDivPosition Object | FPHTMLDListElement Object | FPHTMLDTElement Object | FPHTMLEmbed Object | FPHTMLFieldSetElement Object | FPHTMLFontElement Object | FPHTMLFormElement Object | FPHTMLFrameBase Object | FPHTMLFrameElement Object | FPHTMLFrameSetSite Object | FPHTMLFrontPageBotElement Object | FPHTMLHeaderElement Object | FPHTMLHRElement Object | FPHTMLIFrame Object | FPHTMLImg Object | FPHTMLInputButtonElement Object | FPHTMLInputFileElement Object | FPHTMLInputHiddenElement Object | FPHTMLInputImage Object | FPHTMLInputTextElement Object | FPHTMLIsIndexElement Object | FPHTMLLabelElement Object | FPHTMLLegendElement Object | FPHTMLLIElement Object | FPHTMLLinkElement Object | FPHTMLListElement Object | FPHTMLMapElement Object | FPHTMLMarqueeElement Object | FPHTMLMetaElement Object | FPHTMLNextIdElement Object | FPHTMLNoShowElement Object | FPHTMLObjectElement Object | FPHTMLOListElement Object | FPHTMLOptionElement Object | FPHTMLParaElement Object | FPHTMLPhraseElement Object | FPHTMLScriptElement Object | FPHTMLSelectElement Object | FPHTMLSpanElement Object | FPHTMLSpanFlow Object | FPHTMLStyle Object | FPHTMLStyleElement Object | FPHTMLTable Object | FPHTMLTableCaption Object | FPHTMLTableCell Object | FPHTMLTableCol Object | FPHTMLTableRow Object | FPHTMLTableSection Object | FPHTMLTemplateRegionElement Object | FPHTMLTextAreaElement Object | FPHTMLTextElement Object | FPHTMLTitleElement Object | FPHTMLUListElement Object | FPHTMLUnknownElement Object | FPHTMLWebPartElement Object | FPHTMLWebPartZoneElement Object | FPHTMLXSLElement Object | FPHTMLXSLWebPartElement Object | FPLayoutRegion Object | IFPLayoutRegion Object | IHTMLElement Object | IHTMLOpsProfile Object | IHTMLRuleStyle Object | IHTMLStyle Object