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Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data Namespace


  Class Description
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ColumnNameMapping
Represents the mapping from a database column to a PropertyInfo.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif CommandAccessor<TResult>
Base class for Data Accessors that execute a DbCommand.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ConnectionString
ConnectionString class constructs a connection string by inserting a username and password into a template.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DaabAsyncResult
This class represents an asynchronous operation invoked from the Database class methods.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DataAccessor<TResult>
An interface representing an object that wraps a database operation. An Accessor is executed, at which point it will go out to the database and return a IEnumerable<T> of whatever type is.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif Database
Represents an abstract database that commands can be run against.
Bb689519.protclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif Database.OldConnectionWrapper
This is a helper class that is used to manage the lifetime of a connection for various Execute methods. We needed this class to support implicit transactions created with the TransactionScope class. In this case, the various Execute methods need to use a shared connection instead of a new connection for each request in order to prevent a distributed transaction.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DatabaseConnectionWrapper
This is a small helper class used to manage closing a connection in the presence of transaction pooling. We can't actually close the connection until everyone using it is done, thus, we need reference counting.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DatabaseExtensions
Class that contains extension methods that apply on Database.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DatabaseFactory
Contains factory methods for creating Database objects.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DatabaseProviderFactory

Represents a factory for creating named instances of Database objects.

Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif DataReaderWrapper
Wrapper class that implements a pass through version of IDataReader. Useful for various places where we need to wrap data readers for connection management.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif FuncMapping
Represents a property that will be assigned the value of a user specified function when mapping.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif GenericDatabase
The GenericDatabase is used when no specific behavior is required or known for a database.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif MapBuilder<TResult>
Static entry point for the IMapBuilderContext<TResult> interface, which allows to build reflection-based IRowMapper<TResult>s.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ParameterCache

Provides parameter caching services for dynamic parameter discovery of stored procedures. Eliminates the round-trip to the database to derive the parameters and types when a command is executed more than once.

Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif PropertyMapping
Base class for mapping values to properties by the ReflectionRowMapper<TResult>.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif RefCountingDataReader
An implementation of IDataReader which also properly cleans up the reference count on the given inner DatabaseConnectionWrapper when the reader is closed or disposed.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif ReflectionRowMapper<TResult>
An implementation of IRowMapper<TResult> that uses reflection to convert data rows to TResult. Instances of this class can be build using the MapBuilder<TResult> API.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif SprocAccessor<TResult>
Represents a stored procedure call to the database that will return an enumerable of TResult.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif SqlStringAccessor<TResult>
Represents a call to the database using SQL that will return an enumerable of TResult.
Bb689519.pubclass(en-us,PandP.50).gif TransactionScopeConnections
This class manages the connections that will be used when transactions are active as a result of instantiating a TransactionScope. When a transaction is active, all database access must be through this single connection unless you want to use a distributed transaction, which is an expensive operation.


  Interface Description
Bb689519.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IMapBuilderContext<TResult>
A fluent interface that can be used to construct a IRowMapper<TResult>.
Bb689519.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IMapBuilderContextMap<TResult, TMember>
A fluent interface that can be used to construct a IRowMapper<TResult>.
Bb689519.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IMapBuilderContextTest<TResult>
This type supports the Enterprise Library infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Bb689519.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IParameterMapper
Interface used to interpret parameters passed to an Execute(array<Object[]) method and assign them to the DbCommand that will be executed.
Bb689519.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IResultSetMapper<TResult>
Represents the operation of mapping a IDataReader to an enumerable of TResult.
Bb689519.pubinterface(en-us,PandP.50).gif IRowMapper<TResult>
Represents the operation of mapping a IDataRecord to TResult.


  Enumeration Description
Bb689519.pubenumeration(en-us,PandP.50).gif UpdateBehavior
Used with the Database.UpdateDataSet method. Provides control over behavior when the Data Adapter's update command encounters an error.